Learning to Dye Focus Group

The “learning to dye” focus group is exploring various dyeing methods, both synthetic (fiber reactive and acid0 and natural sources (leaves, flowers, barks, heartwoods, insects, lichens and mushrooms.) Fibers such as cellulose based (cotton, bamboo, etc.) and protein based (silk, wool, etc.) prefer different dyes.  Each month we try dye methods and manipulations of fibers. Each dye has a unique method of “setting” which makes the process fun. Sometimes we can predict what will happen but sometimes it is serendipitous. Another favorite activity is printing with botanicals on paper and fibers.

We usually meet the third Monday of the month, preferably outside when we can (usually at the Oronoco City Park).

Patsy and Vicki, Snow Dyed Fabric
LInda, Trudy, Cindy and Betsy, Snow Dyed Fabrics
Nancy and Collette, Snow Diyed Fabrics
Dyeing with Logwood and Osage Orange
Leslie Hall, Ice Dyeing
Sandy Siewert, Botanical Dyeing on Card Stock
Dye group indygo harvest
Dried Indygo
Yvonne Landgren, Indigo Dyeing
Indigo Dyeing Work Day!
Nancy Sunderman, Indygo Dyeing
Leslie Hall, Quilt using Naturally Dyed Fabrics
Patsy Matts
Arty Theye

Leslie Hall, organizing our annual dye pot
Plants laid out before printing
From an Indigo Dye Pot
Arty Theye, Natural Dyed Rug

Arty and Kim Gathering foliage for printing
Leslie Hall, Botanical Printed Bag
Botanical printing on scarves.
Betsy Carney, Your dyed threads look good enough to eat!