Library and Equipment

Welcome to the Zumbro River Fiber Arts Guild library. The library website is meant to be a search tool for you to view what materials are available in our library. You are not able to check out books from this tool at this time. This link will give you pictures of each of our books. In the search engine, type in the title of the book you are looking for or type in the type of book you are looking for such as weaving, knitting, dyeing, etc.

To check out a book follow these steps: 1. go to the physical library at the Oronoco Community Center. 2. locate your book. 3. complete the card in the back of the book and place it in the library box. All books can be checked out for 60 days.


The guild has lots of equipment that may be checked out with your guild membership. It’s a good way to see if you want to spin or weave before you invest in the equipment. Loan period is two months unless no one else is requesting it. Commercial use must be approved by the board. Members may check out equipment anytime the community room is in use, either at the monthly meeting or any time a focus group meets there. Contact the librarian if you need assistance.

Here are some of the items we loan out! For a full list of items enter here.

Spinning Wheel
Umbrella Swift
Frazer Cutter
Dye Pots
Inkle Loom
Rug Hooking Frame
Inkle Loom
Sewing Machine

Magazine Inventory– Updated March 19, 2023, note that some of these magazines are being temporarily stored off site. Contact the librarian if you have any questions.